Thursday, November 29, 2007

Now I'm a REAL IFer

It's official, I am finally a full-fledged IFer. Last night, I did my shot in a public restroom stall.

Today feeling pretty bloated and a bit uncomfortable. Which makes me HAPPY. I'm really hoping things are clipping along and we can trigger early next week. Otherwise things with the holidays could get really wonky. Obviously, its most important that the eggs are happy and healthy, and I'll deal with whatever schedule changes will make that happen. But I would love to have things done so I can finish my 2ww before x-mas.

I'm dying to do the Blog You Very Much post, but want to really dedicate the proper time to it and do a great job. So, watch for it, and I'll work on it! Thanks JJ, for a great idea!


Lori Lavender Luz said...

Now you've earned your badge.

Enjoy the bloat!

Carrie said...

Isn't it funny when shooting drugs into your body just seems like a normal thing to do. Like you can hold a conversation whilst mixing and filling the syringe.

I hope things move along at a good rate. It's hard when you're trying to run to a schedule. Still, as you say, the eggs are the most important thing.

JJ said...

Ooo yuck--sorry you had to do that. I had to pull the same stunt--it takes some talent!

Cant wait to read your BYVM post=) Thanks for participating! Let me know when you are done=)

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the club. :-)

Geohde said...

AH, but have you tried to snort synarel in peak hour???



Natalie said...

You're rockin! I've been able to do them all at home so far, I've been lucky, but I'm kinda interested in doing one in a f*d up place? Closest I got was snorting Synarel in the stall of a hockey game.

Still thinking good thoughts for you:-)

Pamela T. said...

You are official! No doubt about it. It's not exactly cocktail conversation material for the FM set, but we totally understand your happiness!

S said...

Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Dr. Grumbles said...

While I haven't joined the official club like that yet, I still have to ask when conscientious and responsible family-oriented adults ever imagined they'd be shooting up in a public restroom???

Magpie said...

Been there!